Report on Menstrual Hygiene Education

for 52 Young Girls



website: www.haft-ug-org Email:
Tel: +256774852274,  702603973

Date: 26th April 2024
Location: Mbale Primary School
Facilitator: Tumuhimbise Rauben
Organizer: HAFT-Uganda


On 26th April 2024, a Menstrual Hygiene education session was conducted at Mbale Primary School for 52 young girls who are yet to start their menstrual cycles. The session was organized by HAFT-UG (Health Advocates Frontline Team Uganda) and facilitated by Tumuhimbise Rauben, with the aim of preparing these girls for the onset of menstruation and equipping them with essential knowledge and skills for menstrual hygiene management.

Key Topics Covered:

  1. Understanding Menstruation: Tumuhimbise Rauben commenced the session by providing a comprehensive explanation of menstruation, ensuring that the girls understood the biological process and its significance. He addressed any questions or concerns the girls might have had and emphasized the normalcy of menstruation.
  2. Hygiene Practices: The importance of maintaining good menstrual hygiene was highlighted, with practical advice given on how to stay clean and comfortable during menstruation. Tumuhimbise stressed the necessity of changing sanitary products regularly, proper disposal methods, and the importance of handwashing to prevent infections.
  3. Menstrual Product Options: The girls were introduced to various menstrual products available, including sanitary pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. The advantages and disadvantages of each option were discussed, empowering the girls to make informed choices based on their preferences and circumstances. Some samples were given out.
  4. Dealing with Discomfort: Strategies for managing menstrual discomfort, such as cramps and mood swings, were shared. The girls were encouraged to practice self-care and seek support from trusted adults or healthcare professionals if they experience severe symptoms.
  5. Emotional Well-being: The emotional aspect of menstruation was addressed, with emphasis on the importance of self-confidence and positive body image. He encouraged the girls to embrace their bodies and view menstruation as a natural and healthy part of growing up.


Interactive Activities:

To enhance engagement and understanding, interactive activities were incorporated into the session. These activities included group discussions, role-playing scenarios, and demonstrations of menstrual product usage.



The menstrual hygiene education session at Mbale Primary School was a valuable initiative to empower 52 young girls with essential knowledge and skills to manage menstruation confidently and hygienically. Tumuhimbise Rauben’s informative facilitation, supported by HAFT-UGANDA, ensured that the girls were well-prepared for this important milestone in their lives.

Prepared by: Rauben HAFT Coordinator